
Grace Coberly (b. 1999) is a composer, singer, and educator with a passion for human connection. They write linguistic-focused music that plays with dialogue, phonetics, and musical vernacular. Above all, they seek to create musical experiences that are accessible to audiences of any background.

Grace’s work has been performed across the United States and Europe, including performances by Choral Arts Initiative, Kantorei (St. Paul, MN), the St. Olaf College Chapel Choir, Harvard’s Ferris Choral Fellows, Sugar Hill Salon, the Long Beach Camerata Singers, Chelsea Randall (EXTENSITY Concert Series), the Bowling Green State University Collegiate Chorale, Clara Warnaar (International Contemporary Ensemble), and the Ohio Ambassadors of Music. They have received commissions from Chicago Fringe Opera, the Latin School of Chicago, Heritage Chorale (Oak Park, IL), All Saints Episcopal Church (Worcester, MA), St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Natick, MA), Concord Singers (Summit, NJ), and the Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus and the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC. Recent honors include being named a finalist for the American Prize in Composition (vocal chamber music division, 2023), a finalist in in the ASCAP’s Morton Gould Young Composer Awards Competition (2022), a performance winner of the EXTENSITY Commission (2022), and a runner-up in the Women's Sacred Music Project Commission Competition (2020).

An alum of Choral Arts Initiative’s PREMIERE|Project Festival, Connecticut Summerfest, and Wildflower Composers Festival, Grace completed their undergraduate studies in music and linguistics at Haverford College. They are now working towards their master’s in music education at George Mason University, where they recently completed their Orff Schulwerk certification.

Grace teaches elementary music in Massachusetts. They sing with Lilith Vocal Ensemble and the Boston Cecilia. When not making music, they enjoy doing yoga, roasting vegetables, and playing with their cat.